Luigi Roberti

Luigi Roberti, born in Altamura (BA) in 1982, has harbored a deep passion for the visual arts from a young age. Encouraged by his parents, he even painted a mural at home as a child. His insatiable curiosity drives him to constantly experiment with new techniques, blending traditional creativity with modern technology.
After attending art school in Matera and engaging with industry professionals, he honed his skills for a successful career as a creative artist. Despite embracing digital tools, Roberti remains committed to traditional mediums like canvases, brushes, and temperas. Inspired by Pop Art, Street Art, and Pollock's sketches, he crafts a uniquely innovative style.

In our gallery


Luigi Roberti
100 x 100 cm
Acrylic paint on canvas, Mixed techniques

€ 1.210,00
